Event Rules, Safety, & Etiquette

Created by Concations Staff, Modified on Fri, Dec 27, 2024 at 10:24 AM by Concations Staff

Safety, Etiquette, & Event Rules 

Event Dates:  October 10, 2025 to October 18, 2025 (the “Event Dates”)

These Event Rules are subject to change, and in all cases are subject to and subordinate to the Resort’s rules in place during your stay. By attending Swinkation (the “Event”) at Hedonism II (the “Venue”), you agree to these rules. The event generally takes place between the Event Dates, but these rules apply to any event associated with Swinkation or produced by Concations during or before or after the event dates (e.g. any pre or post parties or gatherings). 

Summary and Key Points:

  1. You don't ever have to participate, but you must have consent to do so. No means no and consent for any touching is required. Please do not pressure anyone to participate or do anything. You should have informed, non-pressured, and continuous consent between all players before engaging in play. Here is a short video of a clear explanation of what we mean by this and here are some additional resources. Below are some additional points. 

  2. Universal Event Safewords: “RED” or “SAFEWORD”. Please alert the Swinkation consent and mediation person or Swinkation staff to any question, problems, or issues, including safety and consent issues. You may do so confidently if you choose. 

  3. Please Be kind, Respectful and Use Common Sense. Swinkation endeavors to acknowledge and embrace diversity, convey respect to all people, be sensitive to differences, promote equal opportunities, and to provide the highest standards of ethics, integrity, safety, consent protocol, and inclusion. Swinkation is wholly inclusive of all people of all genders regardless of their identifications, race/ethnicity, gender and sexual identities, body type, expressions, or orientations, their beliefs, values, fetishes, kinks, or lifestyle, or their abilities or disabilities.  This list is not exhaustive. Please be mindful in all interactions with anyone at the resort.

  4. These rules apply to everyone, including interactions within our group, and also with people from other groups or resort staff! Negative behavior may affect us all. This is an open, sex positive, alternative love, lifestyle, and kink event Kink event, meaning there is minimal protocol, no discrimination is allowed, and all are welcome. Mutual respect is the standard for ALL participants and everyone else at the resort. Safety and discretion of the event participants is vital. Of course, please don’t “OUT” anyone or post or share pictures or information about anyone without their permission.  Please also respect the venue, its rules, its staff, and its property. 

  5. Photography – Yes, you can! But…you must have permission from everyone in the photo to take AND share or post photographs. Please do not out people and don’t unintentionally point your camera/phone at people. In addition, you must follow the resort’s photography rules.

  6. Tent closure: Please be sure to end your scenes at the tent’s posted closing time each night. The staff on duty will flick the lights when there is 15 minutes left. Music will be shut off at closing time.

  7. Some activities are dangerous! Bdsm playRope bondage can cause nerve damage, broken bones, death, and other injuries. If you don't know how to do something or do not understand the risks, please ask and learn before doing. You are assuming the risk of all activities and release Concations, Swinkation, Swinky LIfe, The accidental Swingers, hosts, presenters, organizers, the resort, and all of their staff, employees, owners, representatives, contractors, and travel and event partners for any injuries. 

  8. Incident Reporting: If you feel unsafe or are concerned about the actions or behaviors of another person attending the event or at the resort, including any Swinkation or resort staff, please report it to a staff member or venue manager.

Rules and Etiquette:

Consent and Etiquette.  The event is sex-positive and inclusive. Nudity and Sexual play are permitted anywhere that the resort allows, which is typically everywhere except the lobby and inside the restaurants and shops. Normal swinger event, kink event, and play space etiquette is expected, including the following:

  • Consent is the foundation of open relationship dynamics, kink,  BDSM,  and sexual activities. You should have informed, non-pressued, and continuous consent between all players before engaging in play. 

  • Past consent does not indicate current or ongoing consent. Negotiate in advance of playing and be prepared to not play if you’re not compatible. 

  • Do not follow or repeatedly ask someone to play. If someone declines to talk or play, do not engage with that person again at this Event. Accept no graciously and without resentment.

  • You are not obligated to participate in any activity and you may leave a space/workshop at any time for any reason.

  • Do not touch anyone or anyone's toys or personal property without permission. 

  • Please do not talk to or interact with the players while the scene or play is in progress or during their aftercare, unless specifically and verbally invited. Watching from a respectful distance is permitted while in the play space, but please keep all conversation, laughter, and comments to a minimum when near sexy play or a scene in progress.

  • Safe-Words:  The universal event safe-words are RED and SAFE-WORD. If either word is used, the scene or action  must cease and Event and Venue staff have the right to interfere, and will do so if needed. “No” means “No” unless a consent-non-consent dynamic has been negotiated, in which case the universal safe words still apply at the Event. 

  • Embracing Differences:  You will see a wide variety of bodies, sexualities, and play at this Event. Do not shame others for these reasons. It’s your responsibility to remove yourself if you don’t enjoy seeing any particular play. Please be thoughtful when interacting with your fellow attendees and do not make assumptions around gender, roles, power dynamics, or relationships. Treat all attendees equally and respectfully; do not interact with others from an assumed power dynamic position. 

  • Privacy:  Do not “out” any participant, organizer of the Event or the Venue. Do not disclose or discuss the attendance of others or their presence of participants at the event with individuals not at the event and maintain their confidentiality. Do not take or share, distribute, post or publish pictures of anyone without their explicit consent and permission. 

Cellular Phones/Cameras/Photography. Confidentiality is imperative and allows for the event to be a safe space for people who are here to enjoy and learn. Photography is allowed, but do not take a picture of any person without their permission, and no photograph may be published, posted, shared, or used in any way without the permission of the photographer and each person in the photo. 

  • Also, please be mindful when holding devices. Please do not point a device such as a phone or camera at, or hold in such a way that would allow you to photograph any other person unless they have already agreed (for example, point your phone away from people while texting). 

  • Should someone agree to be photographed, you must ensure that nobody else is in the background of the photograph. No photograph shall be altered or used in any way without the permission of photographer and models. 

  • All photography is subject to the resort’s photography rules, which are subject to change. The resort has the final say on all photography. The resort does not allow photography in certain areas, like the nude beach, and the resort will confiscate your camera or device and delete all data if you violate the resort’s rules.

  • If you would like your images to be posted or used by Swinkation, including use on its website, emails, and/or social media, please let us know at Swinkation.com/m/. 

Illegal Activities.  Anything that is against the law in Jamaica is illegal in the Swinkation event areas. This includes soliciting, prostitution, negotiation of payment for play or sexual services, use or sale of illegal substances, etc. Furthermore, even if not illegal, there are no firearms allowed within the confines of the event. Additionally, Swinkation will not knowingly admit to membership, events, or meetings any individual who has been convicted of a sexual crime and/or is a registered sex offender in any jurisdiction. Anything that is against the rules at the resort is also against the rules at the Event. 


Provided Equipment.  The play and rigging equipment and any other equipment is either Concations Property provided for use by the Community or belongs specifically to one of the individual attendees or the Venue. Please be mindful of time when others are waiting. Please clean up after your scene. Leave all equipment free of sweat, bodily fluids, etc. Bring bodily fluid contamination to the attention of any Concations staff member. Equipment is provided for your convenience and use at your own risk and subject to your own risk and safety assessment. While the suspension points were designed by an experienced and U.S.-licensed structural engineer and are load-rated for the expected use during Swinkation, Swinkation, Concations, Tom’s Trips, Swinky Life, the Accidental Swingers, and Hedonism II Resort make no claim, warranties or representation regarding the fitness or safety of the hard points or any other equipment provided by them or that is or may be used or available at the Event. You assume all risk if you choose to use the provided equipment and waive any claims against, and release Concations, Swinkation, the resort, Swinky LIfe, and the Accidental Swingers for any such claims or injuries. The Event may remove or prohibit use of any equipment for any reason.


Forbidden Play. The following is not allowed at the resort or during the Event: Purposeful cutting or piercing of the skin (including needle play, cuttings, stapling etc.), gun play, golden showers (urine), scat (feces) and/or rainbow/Roman showers (vomit). 

Edge and Consent non-consent (Cnc) Play.  Please inform any member of the Swinkation Staff prior to any risky or extreme play, consensual non-consent, abduction play, breath play or asphyxiation or any other scene that appears dangerous or non-consensual. If, as an observer, you see play that appears dangerous or non-consensual, please do not interrupt the scene. Rather, ask any Swinkation Staff member to investigate the scene.

Defer to Swinkation and Venue Staff.  Requests and directions made by Swinkation Staff members or the hotel security or management must be followed. If someone is breaching play space etiquette, your scene is being disturbed, or you are being bothered unduly, please notify any Swinkation Staff venue member or report it here. The Swinkation Staff member will have the final say in all activity at the Event. Swinkation staff members have the right to stop any scene that they feel is unsafe, non-consensual, or too intense for this venue. 

Volunteers: It takes many willing volunteers to make this event run smoothly. Please be kind and thank the Swinkation Staff for their time and contribution to the event. Please contact Swinkation about being staff in the future. Staff may be provided compensation, discounts, and perks. 

Legal Notice.  By attending the Event and your presence inside this Venue, you agree that: 1) you are 18 years old or older and that you are and will be personally and financially responsible for any damage caused directly or indirectly by your actions to any property, furniture, and/or amenities owned by Concations, Swinkation,  the organizers, presenters, hosts, contractors, employees, staff,  and volunteers, the Venue, Swinky LIfe, the Accidental Swingers, building owners and the business owners; 2) you are not an employee of an any law enforcement or governmental agency, or that if you are, you are attending this event solely for your personal enjoyment and not as part of any investigation or in any other official capacity; 3) you are not a member of the media, or that if you are, you are attending this event solely for your personal enjoyment and not as part of any investigation or gathering of information and that you will not use any such information in any manner without the expressed written permission of Concations; and 4) that you agree to hold Concations, its members, the Event organizers, presenters, volunteers, and staff, the resort and its owners, Tom’s Trips and its owners, and all persons associated with this event in any way, harmless and indemnify them from and against any and all claims, actions, suits, injuries, damages or rights of any kind whatsoever, including death or serious injury to body, person, or reputation, in any way resulting from your registration, presence, observations, participation or activities as a registrant at the Event or guest at the resort, which are sustained by you, made by you, or made on your behalf; regardless of negligence of the released parties. Concations reserves the right to refuse admission to any Concations Event or remove anyone from the Event or Venue for a rules violation or for any reason at its discretion without refund. By attending Swinkation, you agree to the rules and obligations above as well as the event terms, and warrant that all representations are true and accurate. These rules may be amended or updated at any time. 

Incident Reporting: To report any incident involving a consent violation, rules violation, harassment, bullying, or any other type of incident, please see this article

Last Update: December 24, 2024.

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